May 23, 2009

Xmen Origins: Wolverine Review

X-men origins was expected to deliver a digestible and plausible story about the forming of Professor Xavier's Men, but instead treated its fans with an expected tangential Hollywood plot, helmed by an insufferable supporting cast of actors with roles whom beseeched talent in every scene they were involved.


Fans of Superhero flicks are becoming increasingly frustrated with the ongoing needless Story-tweaking practices by Hollywood powers.


If we, the fans hunger for a plot that reflects 'reality' and espouses logical concepts then we can purchase tickets for a Ron Howard Movie.


It's like almost every time that a Movie based on fantasy comes to fruition, it's packaged with cheesy-lines ("I am Megatron", Transformers 2007) performed by terrible supporting actors, squandering the Movie's entire essence, leaving the main actor to sustain the credibility of the Movie alone, while valiantly holding on to the mere morsels and juices remained.


Speaking about no-talent celebrities involving themselves with acting, what's got to do with Acting? He plays a mutant Cowboy with Teleportation powers but horribly fails to bring any emotion and delivery to his role.


Why is the history of the Bone-claw manipulated with? Who told the Director that Wolverine had claws as a Kid. Why is Hollywood always trying to make sense out of every Story?


Director: "It doesn't make sense that Adamantium claws spewed forth from in-between Wolverine knuckles . I mean why didn’t the claws grow out of his Butt?  So lets give him Bone-claws as a child and have the Adamantium compound lace onto them during the experiment, thereby awarding him with Adamantium claws…It's genius. "


Yep, that's exactly how it goes in Hollywood. There's always some idiot that's trying to make changes


The Movie fails in every aspect and it's cliche-ridden to the "T".


The Protagonist stumbles upon the Antagonist.  They each stand on opposite sides, with eyes fixed upon the other. 


Staring at each other, they manage to build enough rage. They each shout a battle-cry and charge towards the middle. Hmm…now where have you seen that before?


You would wonder how many times this happened in the Film? Well, almost every time Wolverine and Viktor came across one another.


The only supporting role that helped the movie was that of Gambit's. The uncanny X-men's wily mutant had a memorable role as Wolverine ally. He performed breathtaking card-tricks, threw a few of them as explosives and also used his Staff.


There were enough cool scenes involving Gambit, that will be deemed worthy by his fans.


All in all the Movie shouldn't have been made. The story was too complicated and immensely convoluted with subplots and Trivia. I found myself stumped during every few scenes trying to predict the Plots destination in order to make sense of it.


Rating: 2 Stars

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